Will Hillary Drop Out?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Hillary cannot drop out and be replaced easily. Each state has its own laws for getting on the ballot and it is too late for Tim Kaine to take her place in most states. I am not going to look at each states laws on this but it must be too late today or within two weeks.
Thus Hillary must win and make it to inauguration day.
An alt reading on this is perhaps Hillary just has to win the election. Then if she becomes disabled Tim Kaine/Democrat party/media pressure can force the Electoral College to vote in VP Tim Kaine as President.

* The Clintons are one gang I would not mess with. Both are full on sociopaths with immense pull in the establishment. They are in fact the face of the establishment and Deep State.

You don’t screw with them. Even if you’re a Congressmen. Michelle Bachman made the mistake of raising questions about Huma Abedin(Hillary’s lesbian lover), The Senate GOP’ers – McCain and McConnell destroyed her political career for it.

Imagine what they’d do to some IT peon. Jail time and their family made homeless at the very least.

Even at the best of times, calling attention to criminal activity within the government by Federal employees or contractors is a career killer. There is no real protections if you point out problems.

Remember Nidal Hassan? A bunch of senior officers knew he was full tilt insane and ready to kill people. They knew if they reported him to his superiors or the FBI their careers would be over with.

* I realize of course that Hillary’s now a bit ahead in the polls, but I seriously wonder if she isn’t going to have a health melt down before Nov 8 rolls around.

In at least two recent appearances, including the now infamous “basket of deplorables” event, she looked so obviously drugged up or ill that I just don’t see how she can project an image of being up to the job physically.

It may be that she’s as drugged up as she is to keep the coughing at bay. But even if that’s the explanation, if it requires medication load that high to suppress the coughing, and the effects of the medication can’t be counteracted by other drugs, then she’s got some real health issue. A genuinely healthy person would quickly find some balance in medications that would work.

Unlike earlier, she needs now to keep in the public eye to fend off the criticisms that she was low energy, and/or in poor health, and/or hiding from the public. Her frequent public appearances are all the more urgent because she’s falling in the polls. But the more she appears in public, the more of a toll it takes on her, the more obvious are her problems, and, in consequence, the more she has to demonstrate her “health”. It’s a vicious cycle. I don’t see how she keeps it up for the final two months.

The media will be “with her” every way it can, of course.

But I don’t see all the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men putting Hillary back together again.

* All through June & July I was reliably informed by ensconced Nevertrump dork columnists that DJT wasn’t going to stick in the race; that as soon as he hit minus-10 (or whatever– the precise # varied) he’d just bug out and suspend efforts, resort to whining, etc.; that yes, verily he might even drop out* at the end of the summer when It Was Too Late, thus “finally screwing over all Republicans for all time.” Some of them were even saying this as late as the I’m-with-you-themed convention speech, or the week after. Whatever happens in November it would seem the dire landslide scenario predicted by conservative experts is not taking shape. Defying the Beltway ghetto cons turns out to be a good move– you do have to put up with the tantrums of course but at least you don’t get their schmutz all over you.

* My wife and I have agreed that we will not reveal to any pollster our choice (Trump) because it is impossible to know who we’re talking to. In our area, support for Trump could be risky to our livelihoods. It would make things unpleasant for her at work, and I would lose business.

Yes, we’re college-educated white people, the kind of Americans for whom openly supporting what is right and true is now a hazard.

We’re in the “basket of deplorables.”

We share our thoughts on the election vigorously with people we know who have no connection to our livelihoods. I talk to a lot of people. We have both quietly discovered other Trump voters just like us. It’s like being in the closet or something. We’ve developed “Trump radar” or “Trumpdar” to identify likely companions.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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