Monthly Archives: September 2016

Victory against Rams doesn’t teach us much about 49ers

Why is Los Angeles Rams coach Jeff Fisher considered great? His lifetime winning percentage as a head coach in the NFL is .524. He’s a Jason Garrett. Lowell Cohn writes: I praise the 49ers for winning 28-0, but I refuse … Continue reading

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VOX: The NFL is 67% black. Diversity hasn’t helped white players and coaches understand racism.

Left-wing Jew David Leonard writes: Proximity to African Americans doesn’t guarantee understanding, empathy, or even respectful deference — even in a space like the NFL, where white athletes are outnumbered by black ones. This conversation has been a reminder that … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Happy 100th Birthday to Roald Dahl — Beloved Author and Vile Anti-Semite’

Are there non-vile anti-Semites? Are there vile Jews with anti-Gentile sentiments? How come anti-Gentilism isn’t even a thing? If it is not a thing, how can anti-Semitism be a thing? “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is … Continue reading

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Hillary Warns The World About Pepe

Steve Sailer writes: From, the campaign’s official website: Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize. September 12, 2016 by Elizabeth Chan Over the weekend, Donald Trump’s … Continue reading

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The brilliance of Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’

Byron York writes: Could there be a clunkier phrase than “basket of deplorables”? Hillary Clinton’s assertion that half — or maybe something less than half — of Donald Trump’s supporters are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it” struck … Continue reading

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