Monthly Archives: September 2016

WP: ‘Could Clinton’s and Netanyahu’s common love of ‘Hamilton’ aid the cause of Mideast peace?’

No. Different groups have different interests. Shared love of a Broadway musical won’t bring Arabs and Jews together. As long as there is a Jewish state in their midst, Arabs will hate it because its prosperity shows them up. Washington … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek: Remember, goyim: white supremacism is dead. Long live White Zionism!

All people deserve their own ethno-state! Jews! Gentiles! Every people. We all prefer to spend time around people like ourselves and to develop our national destiny without interference by outsiders. Friend: “Stupid goy – ethnostates are for Yids.” No! Gothamist: … Continue reading

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An Alt-Zionism Take On The First Debate

Ari Ben Canaan blogs: 3) “Race determines where people live, and race determines what kind of education people can get” – Hillary ‘Jared Taylor’ Clinton While it remains taboo to explicitly refer to black educational failure, self-segregation and criminality as … Continue reading

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Brett Stevens writes: …on the Right there is often talk about “Zionism” as being a horrible evil which intends to take over the world, forgetting that Zionism is an assertion of Nationalism—the idea that Jews need their own state, and … Continue reading

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Colin Kaepernick vs. Steve Clevenger

Paul Kersey writes: Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher … Continue reading

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