Monthly Archives: September 2016

First Hasidic Woman Elected As Brooklyn Civil Court Judge

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A mother of six has become the first Hasidic woman to become a civil court judge in Brooklyn. CBS2’s Magdalena Doris reports Rachel Freier broke barriers after grabbing nearly 41 percent of votes in the 5th … Continue reading

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Improv Classes As A Tool To Overcome Under-Earning

I was listening to a 12-Step lecture this week about how to succeed in improv you need to be agreeable, to listen deeply, and to be willing to visible. Those are excellent tools for succeeding at almost any work. When … Continue reading

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Donald Trump – Sex Pistol

GotNews: “The alt-right is being demonized massively by a mainstream that doesn’t want it to exist. And that’s exactly the point — so the more that they do it, the more it just helps the cause. The alt-right 2016 is … Continue reading

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Trump +6

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump is moving out ahead in the polls and many of the #NeverTrumpers are realizing this game of musical chairs will quickly be coming to an end and they will be left standing holding their … Continue reading

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Mondoweiss: Jeffrey Goldberg will be silent till he finds a way to spin all the bad-for-the-Jews news from Israel

This is how fascism takes hold: — Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) September 14, 2016 Mondoweiss: What was Benjamin Netanyahu’s erstwhile partner in crime Jeffrey Goldberg up to this weekend with all the excitement going on on his Jewish/Israel beat? Last week, … Continue reading

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