Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Skittles Analogy For Muslim Immigrants

Skittles meme was a riff off of one of the crazy feminist memes. They used to get triggered when ppl said, "not all men." — Ricky Vaughn (@Ricky_Vaughn99) September 20, 2016 Here, have some skittles — Ricky Vaughn … Continue reading

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WP: The newest excuse for shutting down campus speech: ‘Security’

I wish colleges would tell the truth and say that they do not permit the public airing of certain opinions. Catherine Rampell writes: Around the country, colleges have found a new excuse for shutting down free speech: safety. Just as … Continue reading

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WP: You’re at the final exam and never attended class. It’s that dream again.

I have this recurring nightmare. I’ve had it since high school. I’m somebody who rarely is late or misses an appointment. I once forgot a lunch with a friend back in 2001. I don’t think I’ve done that since. I … Continue reading

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What Forms Of Protest Are Allowed ToThe Palestinians?

Obviously violence is not permitted. And BDS is not permitted. Encouraging boycotts of Israel is not permitted. It is a hate crime (even though it is a normal process in democracies, such as the boycott of apartheid South Africa, but … Continue reading

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Who’s The Real Donald Trump?

Steve Sailer writes: Unlike Barack Obama in 2008, for whom we had a vast public record comprised of his hundreds of scholarly and popular articles on all topics imaginable, Donald Trump is a blank screen. Where did Trump come from? … Continue reading

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