Daily Archives: August 9, 2016

“Blacks Activists Don’t Ignore Crime”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In other words, while “Black Activists Don’t Ignore Crime,” the national media, the Justice Department, and the Soros Foundation do ignore black activists who don’t ignore black on black crime the way their beloved Black … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager writes: On July 26, two Muslims slit the throat of a French Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. Jacques Hamel, 85, while he was saying Mass in his church. Five days later, during his flight returning to Rome from … Continue reading

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Why Would Minorities Want To Vote Republican?

Richard Spencer writes about the futility of conservative outreach: The question people like Rick never ask is whether non-Whites actually want or like “conservatism,” and whether voting for Democrats is not a rational choice to increase their quotient of money … Continue reading

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Orlando shooter’s father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee – Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton

REPORT: NewsChannel 5 asked Mateen what he was thinking about when Clinton spoke about the Orlando incident. “We’ve been cooperating with the federal government, and that’s about it,” he said. “Thank you.” Mateen didn’t want to answer any other questions, … Continue reading

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Which Republicans Are Breaking Up With Trump?

The Washington Post nails it: “Every Republican who has bucked Trump can be pretty easily categorized. A clear pattern emerges: The less directly and immediately accountable to Republican base voters an elected official is, the more likely he or she … Continue reading

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