Monthly Archives: August 2016

Street Parking Mommas

Luke: “Did you find parking?” Woman: “On the street.” Luke: “My momma warned me about women like you, brazen hussies, street parking mommas. She told me to save myself for a nice girl with reserved parking.”

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Does Israel Need American Aid?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In the past some commenters have suggested that Israel doesn’t need our aid since they have such a prosperous hi-tech economy. Now comes word that not only are they holding onto our aid, they are … Continue reading

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Clockboy Returns

Comment: Full-page story in today’s WashingtonPost documents the courageous return of clock-boy to the U.S.A. He and his family have returned to seek $15 million in damages from the school district that suspended him. They are bristling at the notion … Continue reading

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When you’re young, you fear death. When you’re old, you fear life.

When I was young, I feared death. I knew many people who had died, including a friend my age. The outside world seemed like a frightening place. I knew I had some reckless tendencies and they scared me. As I … Continue reading

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The Dark Night, Luke Ford and Human Goodness: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni writes: Saw The Dark Knight a couple of weeks ago. Luke Ford and myself had agreed to dialogue on the movie. There are some huge things that Luke and I disagree on about how to live in the … Continue reading

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