Monthly Archives: August 2016

Did Peyton Manning’s Dramatic Decline Result From No Longer Doping?

Steve Sailer writes: Likely, the most difficult sports role in U.S. sports is NFL quarterback. Do PEDs help there? Probably … There aren’t a lot of positive drug test results in the NFL so there’s not much evidence to go … Continue reading

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A Trump Landslide?

Scott Adams writes: If you have been following this blog since last year, you know I have been saying Trump was playing 3D chess against 2D opponents. And by that I meant Trump was using powerful persuasion techniques while the … Continue reading

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President Obama Lobbied For This Olympics To Be In Chicago

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If you think that the Rio Olympics is an unmitigated disaster, just imagine what a total crap show a Chicago Olympic Games could have been. The cost over-runs alone would have been astronomical. Not to … Continue reading

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JJ: For her directorial debut, Natalie Portman mines her inner Israeli and what it means to be Jewish

Aside from considerations of faith, what it means to be Jewish/black/Muslim/Japanese is the same — to perpetuate the genes of your people and assist them in perpetuating themselves. As the preamble to the U.S. Constitution states: “For ourselves and for … Continue reading

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JJ: ‘Stephen Miller, meet your immigrant great-grandfather’

Rob Eshman writes: Miller’s powerful lines, the ones that really froth the mob, all revolve around immigration. To stoke the emotions, he repeatedly references the brutal murder of Kate Steinle at the hands of an illegal immigrant. “How many children … Continue reading

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