Monthly Archives: August 2016

Research find that as a group, only men pay tax

ESSAY: Legions of feminists will ferociously type smash the patriarchy! at their Internet rallies, calling out for the end of the male supremacy in all spheres of life. Yet, few of them acknowledge the fact that one of these spheres, … Continue reading

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Why Brazilians can’t help booing anything and everyone at the Olympics

Tom Holland tweets: “2 ways for host cities to enjoy the Olympics: applaud competitors from other countries (London) or boo them (Rio)” It’s like New Yorkers. They love to dump on LA. People from Northern California also love to hate … Continue reading

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‘I’ve Spent My Whole Life As A Child Hoping Some Family Would Come Along And Adopt Me’

I heard that sentence in a 12-step phone meeting (from a woman who sounded like she was in the second half of life) and it resonated. I’ve felt that too. I have perfect good family and yet I often yearn … Continue reading

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One Jerk Can Ruin Things For Everybody

One obnoxious noisy neighbor can ruin a block. One jerk on the roads can tie up traffic for thousands of people. One idiot in a 12-step meeting, either in person or over the phone, can ruin a meeting. One toxic … Continue reading

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The Wisdom Of Jerry Seinfeld

I moved to Los Angeles in March of 1994. Jerry Seinfeld was a popular TV show (there was a guy at Aish HaTorah who looked just like Jerry Seinfeld) but I had never seen it and over the years I … Continue reading

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