Monthly Archives: August 2016

Los Angeles City Council president doesn’t pay his bills on time

NEWS: Herb Wesson, the president of the Los Angeles City Council, has received five default notices for being late with mortgage payments since he became the top council official in 2011, David Zahniser reports for the L:A Times. “In two … Continue reading

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Byron York: Onstage, Trump sheds ego, lays off media, hones new role

Byron York writes: FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Back when Donald Trump was giving one hour-plus, free-form, jazz-improvisation speeches — that is, for nearly all of the campaign until the last week — Trump spent an inordinate amount of time telling audiences … Continue reading

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Is Steve Sailer The Godfather Of The Alt-Right?

Comments: * I’m wondering what reach [Richard] Spencer actually has given how much press he receives. Lawrence Auster laid into his site when it first came out, and it seemed to me that it would only have very narrow niche … Continue reading

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Chaim Amalek Needs 10 Wives

Chaim Amalek writes: Careful analysis using linear and non-linear methods indicates that I should have about 10 wives. A rotating group of say, three for sex; one to serve as advisor; two for procreation; one for her money, and two … Continue reading

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When Gawker Started, I Got A Front Page Link

Never Mind Peter Thiel. Gawker Killed Itself Think of It as an Autoerotic Asphyxiation How are you supposed to feel about the fact that is shutting down this week? Very sad, apparently, if the recent wave of Gawker praise … Continue reading

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