Monthly Archives: August 2016

The Alt-Right’s Time In The Sun

From Wired: It’s been a heckuva day for the trolls. In just one day, the so-called “alt right”—a political faction that spreads white supremacist ideology primarily online—has come to dominate the national news cycle. Today, they’ve had a hashtag, #AltRightMeans, … Continue reading

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Can A Muslim Be A Swede?

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Joshua Seidel & The Alt-Right

A Jewish friend says: “I agree that Jews can’t be a part of White Nationalism (unless they have white parents) but they can certainly be alt-right influenced.” Another Jewish friend says: “I am beyond such concerns. Time to think of … Continue reading

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White Nationalism: The Principle And The Practice

From the Chateau: In honor of Hillary’s schoolmarm harangue against the alt-right today, I’ll jot down a few of my thoughts on the idea of White Nationalism (as a principle and as it would work in practice). First, a word … Continue reading

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‘I was second white’: Polish runner sorry for uproar over her claims she was ‘white silver medallist’ in Olympic 800m final won by Caster Semenya

Daily Mail: Polish runner Joanna Jozwik said she was true ‘silver medallist’ in Rio Added she was happy to be ‘second white’ after Canadian Melissa Bishop Her comments prompted by gender row over ‘hyperandrogenous’ runner Caster Semenya Jozwik apologised on … Continue reading

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