Monthly Archives: August 2016

Asians Gaming The SAT

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I completely share your concern except at the high end, I believe it’s already fallen apart. At this point, a competitive test system would have to be completely reworked not only to prevent cheating, but … Continue reading

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Jews, Judaism & Polygamy

Comment: Polygamy was tolerated, but in general the Old Testament appears to show it in a negative light. I can’t think offhand of any examples where polygamy did not result in major dysfunction. (1) The first mention of polygamy is … Continue reading

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Jews, Marxism And JewE

Comment: The problem comes down to the fact that there is a large Jewish element to Cultural Marxism, but I don’t think it is really the vast majority of Jews who are driving it. I think the best way to … Continue reading

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Who Is My Brother?

Emo Phillips: Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Here is the Alt-Right’s “big tent”, or “consensus”, as summarized by paworldandtimes. I numbered them for convenience. 1) Blacks. They require assistance in achieving and maintaining a level of civic and material comfort on par … Continue reading

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