Jews, Marxism And JewE

Comment: The problem comes down to the fact that there is a large Jewish element to Cultural Marxism, but I don’t think it is really the vast majority of Jews who are driving it.

I think the best way to look at Jews is that they are like the Republican Party in 2004 – the elites at the top pursuing their own agenda, a large segment of the rank-and-file who supports them because they think the elites are on their side, and a small number who are realizing that those at the top have their own agenda that does not really benefit them.

Essentially, the AJC, the ADL, the ACLU (to the extent it is Jewish) are what I would call JewE. The vast majority of the rank and file are blue-pill Jews, and there are a small number of “altJews” or red-pill Jews.

Some major issues here that I think can be used to explain why “JewE” is not “good for the Jews” in the sense that most people would think:

(1) Emphasis on revenge. People talk about how the neocons put “Israel first.” Actually, I think a fair number of neocons would be willing to sacrifice a large portion of Israeli security if it could advance the goal of getting revenge on Russia, both for historical wrongs, and for more recently overthrowing the plutocrats, of which I believe a majority were Jewish – the neocons are far more concerned about a small number of fatcats than about what would help the poor Jewish peasants that people are sending food boxes to.

This also manifests itself in the fact that many Jewish elite seem to define Judaism largely in opposition to Christianity rather than by its own doctrines – the liberal bent on sexual matters, for example, seems to be more about opposing traditional Christian teaching than about reaffirming traditional Jewish teaching.

(2) Defining “good for the Jews” in such a way that aggregate power rather than broad prosperity is the measure. Essentially, as long as Jews are overrepresented in the elite, whether or not middle-class or poorer Jews have safety, security, and a comfortable life are secondary concerns. Maybe there isn’t the same in-group hatred that many rich white Gentiles seem to have toward their lessers, but I don’t think that ethnic solidarity trumps class solidarity as much as one might think (unless of course it serves the “revenge” impulse).

I also think it is fair to call out “antijaphetism” in the Jewish community and to admit that it is a problem, but without blaming all Jews for it or associating it extricably with being Jewish – in many ways, many parts of the AltRight tend to use the term “Zionism” the same way that SJWs use “whiteness.” I think this is bad and dangerous, and risks making ethnic conflicts unresolvable – once you declare another group an implacable enemy with no hope of negotiation you give those in the other group who do not hate you no reason not to join those who do.

* Speaking of patterns – look at the search results for “Judeo Christian” with the Google ngram tool below. Does it fit Ellis Island immigration and influence patterns?

* There are problems with your analysis. Obviously not all American Jews are equally rich, but aside from the ultra-Orthodox who intentionally devote themselves to religious study and put themselves outside the mainstream, most American Jews are middle class or above. There is no Jewish “Fishtown”. The Jews that are classified as poor are mostly elderly or recent Russian immigrants. Mexican immigrants are not taking landscaping jobs away from Jews. So Jews don’t feel as if immigration promoted by the elite is really a threat to them. They may be wrong, but that’s how they feel.

2nd, what you call “antijaphetism” is not really racial in character. Most American Jews have nothing against their Belmont neighbors – they are marrying them like crazy. What you call antijaphetism, I would call anti-stupidism. American Jews are not prejudiced against non-Jews, they are prejudiced against what they perceive as stupid or low class people. If such a thing as Jewish trailer trash existed, they wouldn’t like them either. This is not much different than non-Jewish Americans dislike of blacks for what they perceive as stupid behavior. Any time you have a 1 SD IQ gap going, you are going to have these kind of tensions.

3rd your analysis of neocons as being motivated by revenge against Russia doesn’t make any more sense that Steve’s theory of the day. It’s true that many neocons don’t like Putin and his neo-Soviet ways, but revenge has nothing to do with it. They would be perfectly happy with a Russia that behaved . If there’s anyone deserving of revenge, it would be Germany whose crimes (against the Jews) were much greater but most neocons have no animosity at all toward modern Germany.

“the liberal bent on sexual matters, for example, seems to be more about opposing traditional Christian teaching than about reaffirming traditional Jewish teaching.”

That doesn’t make any sense because traditional Jewish teaching on sexual matters is more or less similar to Christian teaching (this is not a coincidence since Christian teaching on these matters was largely derived from Jewish biblical sources). (Cutural and plain old fashioned) Marxism (whether practiced by Jews or non-Jews) is anti-RELIGIOUS, not anti-Christian.

Maybe this is why (crytpo) Jews so often end up as the head of WN movements. Real WNs don’t seem capable of playing the chess game very far ahead. They keep falling into easy traps that they should see coming a mile away. They keep shooting themselves in the foot. They are their own worst enemy. Maybe hatred makes you stupid or maybe it is as leftists say, that only stupid people are attracted – “anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools”.

* I agree that the ‘Jewish Question’ is a hindrance to most normies – it was to me, I agree that it looks skinhead-tier – but if it helps, think of them as a normal outgroup who want to break into / break down the in-group so that there won’t be an in-group they’re not part of. Only, thanks to their brains => money => power they’re a super out-group, much more effective than normal. And of course, Not All Jews are Like That, /but there are enough that are/! I could dig through my ‘memes’ folder from /pol/ and show you quotes that would make the point more convincing, but here’s a starter:

* How the Lizard Queen and the MSM see ”the alt-right”:


* The basic gist is that Whites will wake up or not and deal with or fail to deal with the planned destruction of their civilization.

If Jews want to be part of that solution, fine. If Jewish “voices and leaders” continue to oppose white interests in Europe and America due to some morbid historical perspective of Hitler, the tsar, Ellis island schmaltz or whatever then they shouldn’t cry when awakened white gentiles start calling them the enemy again when they try and take their nations back. If innocent middle class Jews get caught in the crossfire well sorry, they should have done a better job leashing in their elites supposedly speaking on their behalf.

I’m only in my 20′s so I don’t have the attachment that older isteve readers have to the concept of the good old USA. Ammmuurrriiccaaa is a shopping mall on its way to closing in some form or another, and I just hope it won’t take white America with it.

* Look, the Algerians, in living memory fought a long brutal and bloody war with the French – horrific torture was used by both sides- in order to make Algeria Algerian. That is they wanted their French interlopers, conquerors and rulers out purely and simply because they were alien, and for no other reason, and they wished to have rule by Algerians for Algerians – whatever the price on bloodshed or economic loss.
Similar examples from the age of decolonization abound. Now, the anti immigration/nationalist sentiment currently rising in Europe is rooted in much the same instinct and general feeling of a slow-burn take over/ conquest of ancestral lands by self serving aliens.


American Jews are not prejudiced against non-Jews, they are prejudiced against what they perceive as stupid or low class people. If such a thing as Jewish trailer trash existed, they wouldn’t like them either. This is not much different than non-Jewish Americans dislike of blacks for what they perceive as stupid behavior. Any time you have a 1 SD IQ gap going, you are going to have these kind of tensions.

Excellent. No prejudice against non-Jews, only against stupidity. And given the reality of a 1-SD IQ gap, it’s not really prejudice if you think about it.

After all, who’s ever seen anything bad about country-club WASPs and the “white-bread” middle class in Jewish literature, journalism, and films over the years?

Oh, you have? Well, then, they’re obviously trash. Remember the 1-SD gap? The Jews have high standards, you know. Failing that, there’s always anti-semitism.

Meanwhile, ghetto Jews are celebrated because… chutzpah.

A lesser people would save themselves and flee from stupid, low-class, and black-like gentiles the way whites flee from blacks. After all, Jewish-Gentile tension is inevitable (did I mention the 1-SD IQ gap?), and an obvious, well-defended safe haven is not lacking for the Jews.

But no, they choose to continue to grace us with their presence, entirely out of altruism and at a great burden to themselves and their bloodline. Tikun olaming away until the gentiles see the error of our ways.

* I think it’s worth pointing out that neocons are a clear, and disliked, minority amongst American Jews.

From my conversations with the many Jewish people I interact with every day, their median viewpoint is New Republic-style liberalism, while the clear mode is simply taking the Democratic party line on everything including Israel.

Plus there are a good number of Sanders and Chomsky groupies to those guys’ left. Remember what school Ayaan Hirsi Ali was disinvited from.

The politically-conservative Jews I’ve met have more often been Chamber of Commerce types or anti-communist ex-Soviets than neocons.

Those Jewish people I know who still bear grudges toward Old World countries significant enough to bring them up in conversation are ill-disposed towards Germany and/or Poland far more often than towards Russia. Wagner and Goethe are verboten and forgotten, Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky, anti-semites both, are revered.

American Jews whose families emigrated from places that are outside modern-day Russia’s borders will still usually describe their family background as Russian. The ex-Soviet Jews I’ve met universally call themselves, without hyphen or qualification, Russians; one has to infer their background when they mention in passing that they have family in Israel, for example.

Of all the claims you could make about American Jews, the idea that they’re all crazed anti-Russians makes just about the least sense.

For most of the 20th century, Jewish liberals were (on average) even more Soviet-sympathetic than liberals at large. They were, by leaps and miles, the ethnic group most overrepresented amongst the pro-Soviet far left and quasi-pro-Soviet pacifist granola enthusiasts. To this day, most Jews’ idea of a “renegade Jew” is Roy Cohn.

In fact, liberals from all backgrounds had plenty of residual affection for Russia all the way through the end of the first Obama administration. Remember the “reset?” Obama mocking Romney for saying Russia is an enemy?

* Jews would disown their kid if she married either WASP or Italian American. Or a Half-A-Greek like me. That was put to the test twice back in DC. The pressure these Jewish Mothers put on their daughters is unfucking-believable. “What would they say at the Synagogue? What do we tell them at Temple when they ask how we let you marry a Goyim name of Christian, divorced with a child from another woman NO LESS? How could you do this to your poor father? Why don’t you plunge a knife into your poor father’s heart and get it over with already?”

In the end, these broads wound up with the men they shoulda been with all along. Fat, short, wuss, Jewish Doctor on the one hand, a mortgage banker-crook money-lender on the other. But if I coulda hooked up with one of em? Monica Lewinski-style blow-jobs for life and me backing the Brink’s Truck up to the loading dock.

* Nobody on Stormfront and Vanguard News Network likes Jared Taylor precisely for the reason that he is not obsessed with Jews. They see Jared Taylor as a sellout. He is not White supremacist enough for them.

Jared Taylor also comes off as too white collar intellectual for them, while readers of Stormfront and Vanguard News Network are more American History X White trash nazi skinheads. They don’t wear no stinkin suits and try to look more mainstream presentable.

Even the Left gives credit where credit is due, they describe Jared Taylor as a higher IQ version of the fringe neo nazi far right.

Jared Taylor does not look scary to nice mainstream Whites, because he looks like Mr. Rogers. He does not fit the stereotype of what a “White supremacist” looks like.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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