Daily Archives: July 24, 2016

Social Justice = Organized Bullying

From Twitter: * Ann Coulter: I like hearing CNN’s Fareed Zakaria ask in a thick Indian accent, “What kind of America do we want to return to?” * On CSPAN, Dem bigwig Ed Rendell just blamed American tech workers’ poor … Continue reading

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Yair Rosenberg: ‘There’s something weird about the latest Trump bumper stickers, but I can’t put my finger on it.’

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Comments Off on Yair Rosenberg: ‘There’s something weird about the latest Trump bumper stickers, but I can’t put my finger on it.’

‘#Obama’s brother is on the #TrumpTrain’

New York Post: President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again — so he’s voting for Donald Trump. “I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the … Continue reading

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Second thoughts on this petition to take down Syria’s regime?

I email Professor Jonathan Sarna about this petition he signed in 2013 along with Leon Wieseltier, Joseph Telushkin, Shmuly Yanklowitz, Avi Weiss, Yosef Blau, David Wolpe, Eric Yoffie, Menachem Genack, Steven Weil, Haskel Lookstein, Mark Dratch, Jeffrey K. Salkin to … Continue reading

Posted in Jonathan D. Sarna, Leon Wieseltier, R. Avi Weiss, R. David Wolpe, R. Mark Dratch, R. Steven Weil, Syria | Comments Off on Second thoughts on this petition to take down Syria’s regime?

WSJ: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald J. Trump’s running mate, gained renown as a social and fiscal conservative whose policy positions have at times drawn him into national debates.

Dennis Prager shared this WSJ article on his Facebook wall, drawing the following comments: * Janet Twaddle Carpenter Pence is the ONLY positive thing about Trump. Wish pence would muzzle Trump and tie his hands, lock him in an empty … Continue reading

Posted in Conservatives | Comments Off on WSJ: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald J. Trump’s running mate, gained renown as a social and fiscal conservative whose policy positions have at times drawn him into national debates.