Daily Archives: July 15, 2016

Is Steve Sailer “SWPL Stormfront”?

Comments: * Stormfront is equal parts WN LARPing and FBI/SPLC accounts.

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Jewish Journalism Professor Jay Rosen Wants The MSM To Collaborate To Destroy Donald Trump

Jay Rosen writes in the Washington Post: I know what you’re thinking, journalists: “What do you want us to do? Stop covering a major party candidate for president? That would be irresponsible.” True. But this reaction short-circuits intelligent debate. Beneath … Continue reading

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Real Talk About Race

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The problem is — and this is no great revelation — no public figure, whether they be a politician, “celebrity” or “journalist”– is allowed to point out these staggering differences in criminality among black people … Continue reading

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The Decline & Fall Of The WASPs

It’s good to know that such a radical is a reporter. I trust her to give us the news straight and without bias. Pamela Constable writes in the Washington Post: I grew up in Hamilton’s world, on a winding road … Continue reading

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The New Europeans

From Twitter: Hi, @GGreenwald. I see what you did there. pic.twitter.com/8jyqJ3EgYK — Adam White (@adamjwhitedc) July 15, 2016 * Media narrative: “French truck rams into Muslim woman, killing her. Some others also died.” #NiceAttack * The trucks. They keep attacking … Continue reading

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