Daily Archives: July 10, 2016

Washington Post: “Dallas Had Finally Shaken the Nickname ‘City of Hate'”

Who came up with the idea that Dallas is the city of hate? Why does having a black police chief automatically make a city less hateful? Are black men the ultimate cleanser of hatred? Comments at Steve Sailer: * If … Continue reading

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What kills me is that I can’t find one critical news story about this atrocity. All of the top 20 Google results were similarly positive. Comment: Here is an official video release from the Orlando Police Department 2 weeks after … Continue reading

Posted in America, Homosexuality | Comments Off on #KeepDancingOrlando

White Death enabling Oxycontin ring set up by Hispanic, Armenian immigrants in Los Angeles

Lot comments: What makes this story special is some of the details: They set up a waiting room, hired an elderly physician and gave the place a name that sounded like an ordinary clinic: Lake Medical. The doctor began prescribing … Continue reading

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Uber asks riders to ‘reflect on gun violence’ as it pauses app for one minute

News: Last night, after this week’s deadly shootings made national news, Uber changed its app to have riders “reflect on gun violence” while using the service. BuzzFeed first noted the changes as social media users began circulating messages from Uber … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter Protests Strand Thousands Of Motorists Around Country

Police shot smoke rounds while protesters shut down I-94 in St. Paul tonight #PhilandoCastile #I94closed pic.twitter.com/sZLtAfqO0a — Andy Rathbun (@andyrathbun) July 10, 2016 EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: Blacks and Latinos have committed 89.4 percent of mass shootings to date in 2016 pic.twitter.com/CzOOVr3qxH … Continue reading

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