Daily Archives: July 8, 2016

Sally Kohn: This is what white people can do to support #BlackLivesMatter

Sally Kohn tweets this morning: “How’s about instead of blaming protest movements for violence against police, we blame policing for violence that necessitated protests?!?” Washington Post today: Sally Kohn is an essayist and a CNN political commentator. Educate yourselves, put … Continue reading

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I Understand Why Many Blacks Hate Whites

I understand why people like Micah Xavier Johnson act as they do (shooting police because they enforce the white power structure). I understand why blacks have ambivalence if not hostility to white America. I understand that they want distinctive names … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Dallas police chief David Brown has lost his son, former partner and brother to violence’

That’s a strange way of noting that his son murdered a police officer and then died in a shoot out. Is he really the best man to lead the Dallas Police Department or is he an affirmative action hire over … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Moral people cannot support the Palestinians

Palestinians, like other Arabs, have an average group IQ no higher than 85. Their behavior is pretty normal for Arabs, for Muslims, and for that low level of average IQ. You can only have prosperity when you have an average … Continue reading

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‘Violent cop shooting happening at a #BLM protest in Dallas, let’s see what breaking news is trending on Facebook’

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