Monthly Archives: June 2016

Who Made Los Angeles?

The Twitter wisdom of John Rivers: * LA was built by Midwestern Germanic engineers moving there during & after WW2. The best of the best – and they got crushed by demographics. * There are few places on the planet … Continue reading

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Are All Religions Equally True?

All religions are group strategies. Some become maladaptive over time and their adherents die out (aka mainstream Protestantism and non-Orthodox Judaisms). Only through the eyes of faith is there ultimate truth and no sane person argues over faith. David posts … Continue reading

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Is Trump Worth The Risk?

[Editor’s Note: This article was rejected by 45 different magazines, periodicals, and journals across the political spectrum: Far left, left, center, unaffiliated, right, far right, and libertarian.] Two professors write: Perverse as it sounds, the Trump brand of political mockery … Continue reading

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Tchernovitz, Bitzaron and Israel Stiefel

Jay Stiefel (jrstiefel at emails: Hi, Luke- I enjoyed reading your thumbnail bio about Chaim Tchernovitz, founder and publisher of Bitzaron, the international Hebrew monthly. My father, Israel Stiefel (1898-1966) was its chairman during the period that the Rav … Continue reading

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Muhammad Ali’s complicated relationship with the Jews

How can any gentile proud of his racial, national or religious identity not have ambivalence and negative feelings about Jews? How can any Jew proud of his Jewish identity not have ambivalence about goyim? The Nation of Islam is a … Continue reading

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