Monthly Archives: June 2016

Chaim Amalek: ‘ If this is the only way men can take back the world from crazy feminists, then so be it.’

Cuckservative: “This thing is on MSNBC right now. I am now formally pledging allegiance to the Islamic State.” Politico: Misty Snow and Misty Plowright are the first transgender women to win primaries

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‘Every empire should be trying to sow division and disruption in competing empires.’

The twitter wisdom of John Rivers: * America’s colleges now have sharply lower standards of evidence for rape accusations. Thx to repeated rape hoaxes. * The point of propaganda battles is to control society. All colleges are adopting lower stds … Continue reading

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Siskel & Ebert & the Protestants

Comments at Steve Sailer: * What a shocker that Siskel is way more upset about it than Ebert. * Ebert was smarter and more self-aware than Siskel. * Siskel comes off as unhinged, irrational, and completely emotional about it. While … Continue reading

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LAT: A proud soldier as a man, and maybe once again as a woman

World War T rages on (in Steve Sailer’s phrasing). Los Angeles Times: “Ellie Lader, formerly Don, relieves wife Jacqueline’s sore back. Both are Marine Corps veterans and survivors of the mass shooting in Aurora, Colo.”

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Angry Black Man shoves bag of feces down woman’s shorts on Upper East Side, runs away

Chaim Amalek writes: “The Daily News article states what we can see – the suspect is black. Gawker lifts the article, provides the same identifying information, but then strips out the suspect’s race. Possibly because, as we all know, race … Continue reading

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