Monthly Archives: June 2016

Why Are Jews So Successful?

IQ accounts for most of it. Comments at Steve Sailer: * You can say that’s a result of them being smarter than the rest of us, but that explanation just doesn’t hold water when you take into account what a … Continue reading

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David Suissa: Republicans must dump Trump

David Suissa writes in the Jewish Journal that Republicans must dump Trump because he’s a narcissist, and because he’s “offensive and reckless.” And because he’s unraveling (while he rises in the polls since the Orlando attack). And he’s vulgar and … Continue reading

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That’s Not Who We Are!

Michael Scheuer writes: A good friend of mine, a retired Colonel, recently asked if I had noticed that each time Obama, Clinton, Biden, Warren, Sanders, or any other senior Democrat says “that’s not who we are”, it always is in … Continue reading

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Bring The Troops Home

Michael Scheuer writes: Now is the time – listen up, Mr. Trump – for the United States to get out of the Middle East as quickly and completely as possible, certainly before the IS post-cities insurgency resumes in Iraq and … Continue reading

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‘Fixer’ bribed cops into closing Lincoln Tunnel lane: feds

New York Post: Cops shut down a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel so a visiting businessman could be escorted through it at the behest of a major de Blasio fundraiser, federal prosecutors charged Monday. The outrageous move was revealed as … Continue reading

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