Daily Archives: May 5, 2016

Trump: Muslim Migration “Destroying Europe, I’m Not Gonna Let That Happen to the U.S.”

From Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars, May 4, 2016: Fresh off his massive victory in Indiana, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump told MSNBC’s Morning Joe earlier today that he would stick by his controversial policy on Muslim immigration because the migrant … Continue reading

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Meet Milo Yiannopoulos, the Appealing Young Face of the Racist Alt-Right

Jack Hunter writes: Milo Yiannopoulos is a beast. The 32-year-old, boastfully gay Breitbart writer—or “dangerous faggot”—has quickly become a hero to young conservatives and libertarians for smacking down the ridiculous out-of-control “social justice warriors” who troll college campuses. If Donald … Continue reading

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The US Election

Comments: * Part of the frustration over Hillary Clinton not having been coronated already is that women would vastly rather not go through a drag down knock out affair to assume power. Why should they? Right now they do a … Continue reading

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Slogan: “For Ourselves and Our Posterity”

Commenter ABN suggests: … maybe “For Ourselves and Our Posterity” would make a good slogan. The repeated possessive pronoun “our” unmistakably draws a contrast between the American nation and foreign nations. The implication is that our government arises organically from … Continue reading

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The Allure Of Donald Trump

Comment: Trump has clear policies, which certainly on immigration correspond to the positions of populist parties in Europe…. He does not have a full policy platform, but that is not necessary for a populist party to be successful. It only … Continue reading

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