Monthly Archives: May 2016

Will London Elect A Muslim Mayor?

Steve Sailer writes: There are two nuclear armed Western European powers: the UK and France. Both have growing numbers of Muslim voters. Houellebecq’s Submission sketches out one path by which a Muslim politician might luck into getting his finger on … Continue reading

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One Cheer For Ted Cruz

Steve Sailer writes: With Ted Cruz apparently dropping out, I have to say that I think Cruz ran a relatively strong campaign from a technical standpoint. He’s not a natural leader of men, so for him to come in second … Continue reading

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Blacks & Property Values

I remember one Saturday morning at an Orthodox shul in 90035, the speaker during the announcements noted the new soul food restaurant on Pico Blvd, and said that if its owner knew something that we didn’t, we should all sell … Continue reading

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I Want To Smooth Out My Rough Edges

When I send an email or start a conversation, I usually get going with whatever is on my mind, while the people I admire start with, “I trust you are well. I was just thinking about you and wondering how … Continue reading

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The Inner Logic of Civil Rights

From Chronicles Magazine: In 1861 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln launched a war of conquest against the South, and legend claims it was all for the abolition of slavery, officially declared by the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. Yet exactly 101 years … Continue reading

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