Monthly Archives: May 2016

Blacks & Gentrification

Gentrification means a neighborhood is becoming more white. Steve Sailer writes: … blacks acquired a number of close-in neighborhoods — Harlem, most of Washington DC, the south lakefront of Chicago, a huge swathe of Los Angeles between the beach and … Continue reading

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America’s Melting Pot

I never ate pizza until the summer of 1980, when I was 14 and we were eating out. I loved it. It was regarded as a naughty dish by my parents because it was too rich. We never had pizza … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Growing Menace Posed by Lawless, Anti-democratic Autocracy in Central Europe

Steve Sailer writes: A couple of weeks ago in Taki’s Magazine, I recounted commenter Sean’s theory that the German Chancellor’s 2015 whim to open the gates of Europe was part of a coherent plan to weaken European opposition to united … Continue reading

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The Right: Home of the Domesticated Intellectual

Robert Weissberg writes: These are unusual political times but especially bizarre is the treatment of Donald Trump in many of today’s “conservative” magazines. I have not read them all, but of the three I do follow—The National Review, The Weekly … Continue reading

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LAT: Bernie Sanders moves toward a fight over Israel, forcing Hillary Clinton to navigate a splintered party

Los Angeles Times: “A large majority of Americans strongly support Israel, according to polls, but the Democratic Party is increasingly torn over some of the actions of the Israeli government and how much sympathy to accord the plight of Palestinians.” … Continue reading

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