Monthly Archives: May 2016

Bethany Mandel: Pro-Trump Media’s anti-Semitism: Not So Renegade

Bethany Mandel is a convert to Orthodox Judaism. She writes: Breitbart’s dogwhistling headline is the latest proof that hatred lies at the heart of Trump’s appeal and that a Trump win means a precarious future for American Jews. Until this … Continue reading

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The Conservative Pundit

From his Twitter account: * Approximately 0 media figures are attacked subsequent to internet death threats EVERY YEAR, and yet people STILL don’t take them seriously! * It’s OK for us journalists to misrepresent people we dislike as long as … Continue reading

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Obama: Put Nordic Countries ‘In Charge for a While’ Because ‘They Could Clean Things Up’

NEWS: Pres. Obama said that Nordic countries would make the world “more secure and more prosperous” if “we” would just let them run things. Welcoming the leaders of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland to the White House on Friday, … Continue reading

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Love, Marriage & Orthodox Judaism

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: The Yated “translation” omits anything about R. Shulman and R. Sher’s daughter “falling in love.” This is because there is no such concept in the haredi world (and in traditional Jewish societies, in both the Ashkenazic … Continue reading

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Google Proclaims Today: ‘Proud supporters of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia’


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