The Conservative Pundit

From his Twitter account:

* Approximately 0 media figures are attacked subsequent to internet death threats EVERY YEAR, and yet people STILL don’t take them seriously!

* It’s OK for us journalists to misrepresent people we dislike as long as we’re doing so in our official capacity as conscience of the nation.

* The press’s 1A right to smear whomever they want is sacrosanct and ought to be protected with Draconian online censorship if necessary.

* A reporter got internet blowback for her lazy partisan hatchet job, and Melania had the NERVE to blame the REPORTER!

* I still say the trick to stopping Trump is getting humorless, abrasive, pinched-face women to go on TV and lecture everyone about misogyny.

* Trump supporters also lack enthusiasm for feminists, Muslims, trannies, and other pillars of American conservatism:


* Trump supporters like their own families and home communities way more than they like other ones. It’s shameful.


* It was the diversity of America’s historically 80-90% white population that made it the powerhouse it is today.

* Like all principled conservatives, I’ve gone from mocking the idea of white privilege to unironically invoking it in about two years or so.

* True conservatives check their white privilege every day.


* My devious plan to discredit the Alt Right is to conflate it with the one campaign currently reviving the hopes and dreams of the GOP base.

* There’s no purer expression of the free market than using your company’s tremendous wealth to subvert the MSM so you can accrue more wealth.

* Divided we’re a tiny gaggle of grasping politicians, hack consultants, and washed-up wannabe intellectuals, but united we’re #NeverTrump!

* You’re gonna regret this whole “maintaining our national sovereignty” thing when you have to pay more money for your iPhone 12!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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