Monthly Archives: May 2016

Rush Limbaugh’s Troubles

From Politico: Even though he’s officially reached retirement age, Limbaugh will do some form of audio programming in the years to come. His love for what he does is obvious: On air, Limbaugh often says he’s “having more fun than … Continue reading

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I can’t imagine any decent TV show or movie about Nazis failing to get viewers. Meaning? There’s a hunger.

Chaim Amalek: “I would prefer to see a show about Social Justice Warriors winning in our struggle against whitness, maleness, heteronormativity, religious bigotry, the Church, gender bias of every sort and nationhood.” Season two of The Man in the High … Continue reading

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Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics

Shorter Michael Wilbon: Blacks aren’t good at math. Prefer feels. ESPN has dropped its middlebrow Grantland approach and gone instead with the black Undefeated site. From ESPN: The mission was to find black folks who spend anytime talking about advanced … Continue reading

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How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

David Marcus, The Federalist, May 23, 2016 I opened Twitter recently and saw 20+ notifications. Most of the time that means the new generation of white nationalist Twitter trolls are filling my feed with racist and anti-Semitic cartoons. It was … Continue reading

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Cross-Generational Differences in Educational Outcomes in the Second Great Wave of Immigration

LINK: We make use of a new data source – matched birth records and longitudinal student records in Florida – to study the degree to which student outcomes differ across successive immigrant generations. Specifically, we investigate whether first, second, and … Continue reading

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