Daily Archives: April 22, 2016

How To Find The Right Rehab

Here is one of the questions on paperwork hospital routinely hand out to those seeking recovery from addiction: * Does the treatment program also address sexual orientation and physical disabilities as well as provide age, gender and culturally appropriate services?

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Ben Southwood: How far a child is allowed to walk on their own, then vs. now

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VDARE: ‘Turns out the guys from Porky’s trying to look into the girls’ room were actually civil rights heroes’

Separated at birth: Not from The Onion: * Leon Wolf: “I block Trump supporters on sight. There’s no real point in treating them like actual people, I’ve learned.” VDARE: Literally dehumanizing rhetoric is fine, as long as it’s directed against … Continue reading

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Free Speech and Islam — In Defense of Sam Harris

Jeffrey Tayler writes: “It’s gross! It’s racist!” exclaimed Ben Affleck on Bill Maher’s Real Time in October 2014, interrupting the neuroscientist “New Atheist” Sam Harris. Harris had been carefully explaining the linguistic bait-and-switch inherent in the word “Islamophobia” as “intellectually … Continue reading

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Conservative Pundit: ‘Our conservative principles are absolute and universal, drawing fervent support from all races and nationalities’

More from Conservative Pundit on Twitter: * My favorite game is where my Democrat friends admit millions of D voters to the country, and I try to convert some trivial fraction of them. * Sad commentary on the GOP’s failed … Continue reading

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