Daily Archives: April 3, 2016

Would Obama Want His Daughters To Date A Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin Type?

Steve Sailer writes: “For example, in Baltimore last year, you had black riots over a black career criminal dying at the hands of black cops in a city with a black police chief, black DA, and a black mayor, in … Continue reading

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WSJ: Japanese Lawyers’ Problem: Too Few Cases

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Japanese apparently aren’t suehappy. Not yet, anyway. It’s hard to feel sorry for the lawyers. Japan already has a system that works, though, at least for consumer product stuff. The head of the transgressing company … Continue reading

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Ever Seen A Lazy Person Become Ambitious?

Scott Adams writes: I’ve never seen a dumb person become smart, an evil person become good, or a lazy person become ambitious. I’m sure it happens to some degree, but generally speaking, it isn’t a thing… Next time someone tries … Continue reading

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Childhood Attachment Failures – Impact On Adult Relationships

Therapist: “My own experiences with people who have very accomplished parents… Sometimes when someone does a lot and they are very interesting and interested in the world, yet they have a wife and children, they may not be there for … Continue reading

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Great Stuff On My Twitter Feed

Conservative Pundit tweets: * More quasi-literate ranting out of the low-info Trump crowd. These people are such nitwits. No substance! * You don’t get it. When Cruz steals one of Trump’s liberal positions it BECOMES conservative because Cruz says “God” … Continue reading

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