Monthly Archives: April 2016

Indiana University Students Mistake Priest for KKK Member

Breitbart: On Monday, students at Indiana University Bloomington mistook a priest for a Ku Klux Klan member, taking to social media to express their fear of the alleged Klansman, who they claimed was carrying a whip, and dressed in “white … Continue reading

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Women In Combat

Martin van Creveld writes: Women’s inferiority to men in respect to physical strength, aerobic capacity, endurance and, above all, robustness, is obvious to all. The price is paid by their male colleagues; when a female trainee in a mixed unit … Continue reading

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Germany’s Blood Guilt

Steve Sailer writes: Ironically, the anti-German argument for why Germany must take in millions of Muslims only makes sense using racialist logic: – Either the German people are tainted by hereditary blood guilt for their ancestors’ crimes for which they … Continue reading

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Can Israel’s ‘Ku Klux Klan’ be stopped?

Last night I was emailed this article from Ami magazine (aimed at Orthodox Jews) on how horrible the KKK is. Every media portrayal of the KKK that I remember painted it as a horrible organization. I don’t share this view. … Continue reading

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The Coalition Of The Fringes Against Whites

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What a terrific reveal of the thinking of young asian-americans! Their voting patterns certainly suggested as much, but it’s becoming pretty clear that asians hate Whites even more than NAMs, but given their higher IQs … Continue reading

Posted in America, Asians, Baseball, Blacks, Journalism, Korea, Latino | Comments Off on The Coalition Of The Fringes Against Whites