Germany’s Blood Guilt

Steve Sailer writes:

Ironically, the anti-German argument for why Germany must take in millions of Muslims only makes sense using racialist logic:

– Either the German people are tainted by hereditary blood guilt for their ancestors’ crimes for which they must pay reparations to random Muslims; *

– Or Germans are so genetically fearsome that the threat they pose to the rest of the world must be diluted by mass migration;

– Or the innate destiny of we Germans is to rule Europe (and perhaps the world), so letting in the million Muslim mob is our brilliant PR feint to cover up the emerging New Order.

If you don’t actually believe that today’s Germans possess either hereditary guilt or hereditary superiority, then it’s hard to logically justify the Merkel government’s whim.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The point seems to be that the new coalition of the fringes Germany now belongs to everyone but traditional Germans.

* The thing with the Germans that nobody seems to mention is they live in the ghetto of Europe, Mitteleuropa. At least compared to the snooty Brits and the oh-so-noble Americans with their English channel and 3000 mile Atlantic ocean, the Germans have enemies right across the river.
The Germans were forced into militarism by their neighborhood.
First Charlemagne came along in 782 and beheaded 4,500 Saxons(180,000 in today’s population) because they were not sufficiently Christian and loving like Charlemagne. Then in the Thirty years War, 1618-1648, the Great powers, like fearsome Sweden ran all over the many ununited little principalities forcing the Germans to drink Schwedentrunk and reveal where their daughters and their cows were hidden. The Germans lost a third of their male population.
They had to unite and be bad asses merely to be left alone.Thank Gott for the Prussians.The Germans finally get it together in the middle of the 1800s and then the Brits pitch a fit because they can’t have a strong continental power. WTF?
So we win WWI for the Brits, the Germans are pissed they got robbed of their time in the sun on the continent and they go with Adolf Ragnarok, they get carpet bombed back into Morganthau wilderness by Bomber Harris and now they end up as the depository of all the Guilt in the world. Its been going on for 72 years and we still have 36,000 troops there to keep the frothing Hun from bayoneting more babies.
All because they live in a lousy neighborhood.

* Former German vice Chancellor and foreign affairs minister Josef “Joschka” Fischer:

“Germans are just too smart and industrious and will therefore always provoke their neighbour’s jealousy. To keep the peace in Europe Germany has to be fenced from the outside and diluted from the inside.”

The man also taught as a guest professor at an elite USA university – Albright got him the job – despite never having finished high school.

* I’m not sure if it’s guilt as much as it is the combination of

1. The belief that all people and cultures are the same and therefore assimilable
2. That it’s racist to not think 1. Is true (which is why the opposition to her insane scheme is so muted) and
3. That Europe’s leaders don’t want to end up where East Asian countries are headed demographically so they’ll bring in millions of foreigners to avoid dealing spiritually and economically with the fact that they are on a path to extinction

As James Burnham pointed out, liberalism is not necessarily the cause of Western decline but it is the ideology that a great civilization has adopted to rationalize and cope with its suicide and portray each step towards death as a victory instead.

* Steve: You might try the Allies just after WW2 if you want to hear someone say quite a lot of that stuff you describe. They were quite vehement then on the point that blood guilt for Hitler falls on all Germans as a collective responsibility for which collective blame and punishment shall be assigned. Early occupation and pacification orders included instructions to make sure living conditions in Germany were the worst, to be explicit about how the Germans were being occupied not liberated, to break every institution that might ever make Germany fearsome again.

* Nothing about US foreign policy in the Middle East makes sense except that it has been captured by the Israel-lobby. How exactly does American benefit from a stable secular regime in Syria being overrun by salafists augmented by international brigades with passports that have automatic no 30-day no visa entry requirements for the US? How does prolonging an ethnic civil war work unless you don’t care about the outcome except to destroy the country it’s happening in.

Syria only makes sense from the perspective of Israel wishing to see the last functioning state in the levant being broken. Is it a serious strategic threat? No, but they’ve run out of better targets and they’re not paying the bills or shouldering the burden either. They’re continuously pushing against an open door. It’s like the quote from the IRA, reasonable people in the US government have to stop them every time to win, the Israel lobby only has to win once and the USAF or CIA proxies turn their target to dust. And since there is never a consequence for their failure. Ie, there was no punishment meted out to the people in the media, defence and state department for pushing for an insane confrontation with Iran, they’re free to try again and again. Eventually a president insufficiently appalled at a war with Iran will be weak and need some favours and boom, Western Persia turns into a sheet of glass and god knows what the consequences for the rest of the world will be.

* Ironically, very few, if any, Jews framed it in such terms. In fact, the vast majority of die-hard Zionists that I’ve read immediately said that Merkel’s idea was horrible and that it would destroy Germany.

* What possessed Merkel to do what she did, and why western Europe, the United States, and Canada seem helpless to say no to people whose large-scale migration is becoming self-evidently more disastrous every day, will be the debate of Russian and Chinese historians for the next 300 years. It may be as complex a case of mass psychosis as has ever existed in our species.

* And it was Merkel who just last year declared that multiculturalism was a flawed idea. But then her inner-Christian, that still, small voice buried deep in her soul, rose up and got the better of her.

* AIPAC, who were continually pushing for US intervention in Syria, went apeshit when Obama decided not to bomb Assad after the fake false-flag chemical attack in 2012, which the neocons tried to pin on Assad. Hirsch later also illuminated that shady operation. That was the first time I was impressed with Obama and Kerry. They managed to see through all the BS, and had the guts to grab the lifeline which Lavrov/Putin threw them. Very statesmanlike. The other good move was the Iran deal, which put the pet AIPAC Iran-bomb hoax to rest.

* In my experience, Germans need to be a part of a cause bigger than themselves. They don’t do well with just regular life; their morbid nature starts to get the upper hand so they latch on to a movement that will pull them up from their depression.

When I lived in Germany, they were all very intense (much more so than your average American) about some cause or the other, environmentalism, saving the third world, world peace, etc. The causes had the commonality that they were somewhat vague and could never really be achieved. Again, it wasn’t the results that they were after but an escape.

This whole refugee episode seems to be just another example of Germans being Germans.

* I’m not even sure that Israel was really all that eager to get rid of Assad, even in a “who will rid me of this troublesome priest” sense. Assad was a thorn in their side in that he cooperated with Iran in supplying Hezbollah and in building a nuclear reactor but as far as the actual Syrian-Israeli border was concerned, Assad was pretty scrupulous (because it was in his interest not to provoke a stronger enemy, not because he is a scrupulous guy) about maintaining peace with Israel. Israel knows that in a place like the Middle East, the next Pharaoh may be even worse than the bad Pharaoh you just got rid of – they were under no “Arab Spring” delusions. Whatever you say about Assad, he seems to be a pretty sane and rational guy by ruthless dictator standards. Saddam Hussein and Qwadafii had a tendency to take things too far and believe their own BS, but Assad does not try to overplay his hand.

* Ariel Sharon counseled Bush NOT to invade. Of course, AIPAC wanted Saddam gone but then Jews in the US who are neoconservative are pretty much opposite the Likud people in Israel. Likud wanted Saddam as a counterbalance to Threat #1, Iran. These are the choices of small nations threatened by neighbors — not much room for moral absolutism.

Merkel is flooding Europe with Muslims because she is a Christian. That is what Christianity is all about — and as the daughter of a pastor she’s as Christian as the Pope. Who also wants this. Christianity has the doctrine of universal brotherhood, preference for the refugee (as Christ was), a moral elect and eternally damned who are both predestined (in the Calvinist sense) and universal utopianism. Christianity was the garden from which both Marxism and Multiculturalism as religions arose, as Peter Frost noted.

Merkel is just another aging, post menopausal White women overcome with religious feeling and HATE HATE HATE of her beta male White peers. That the rapefugees are mostly young Muslim men swaggering around is just a lady part thrill to mix in with the moral superiority.

* The existence of that monstrosity known as the EU must bear a large portion of the blame.
Basically, the EU forbids member states to deter or remove anyone from anywhere who can utter the word ‘asylum’. And all the world and his brother have wised up to that fact.
Not only has the EU forbidden its vassal states from even attempting to stop ‘migrants’ it has dissolved borders between EU states. Thus Greece’s problem – which doubtless the colonels of 1968 could have solved in a weekend – becomes Germany’s problem.
Add in lavish social security and welfare bennies – including a free house for life – available in demand to ‘refugees’ who haven’t done a damned thing to earn. Again, all the world and his brother knows this.
Drizzle with a dollop of Swedish feminists addled brain nuttiness – theirs was the initial ‘idea’ that any warm body that wished to could live the good life in jolly good cold and dark old Sweden.
Add one menopausal, broody, mushy brained old bag. An old bag with Gorbachev type vanity and stupidity eagerly eyeing a Nobel prize and a bundle of lucrative directorships upon ejection.

And lastly dump in a great big pile of Economist steaming, stinky faecal waste, to add ‘gravitas’ and pungency.

And there you have it – destroying a nation through committee.

* Most people don’t realize that the cultural support for mass immigration in America includes the stick as well as the carrot.

The carrot: it feels good to help other people who are less fortunate, doesn’t it? America has infinite goodness and infinite money, we can invite all of these people in, especially the ones who can’t help themselves. A generous heart never counts the cost. Even if you can’t have children yourself (lots of feminists never finish their punchlist), you can be like childless Mother Merkel and welcome the refugee children of the world (even if a lot of them are working age men). Be open, forgiving, generous, helpful. Doesn’t it feel good?

The stick: America’s Original Sin is slavery, says the President of the United States, and everybody knows who he means. All of the white men in America are guilty, guilty, guilty regardless of what their actual ancestors were doing. There is no redemption for this Original Sin; no American Jesus who died for you. Reparations are only fair, but as Ta-Nehisi tells us, they will never be enough. Sin with no possibility of redemption – is there any way out for white men? Unlike most religious traditions, suicide is actually the recommended way out.

National suicide. Expunge the northern European heritage that also includes the blood guilt of the history of the Americas, the genocide of the native people and the economic slavery of the hispanic people. Welcome the black / brown nation, assuage your guilt, tear down the barriers, destroy the white men and all their works. Wash yourself clean with a flood of black and brown, America.

Whenever you see the carrot, look around for the stick. There’s always a stick.

* That’s a lot of mental yoga there when in fact this has very little to do with blood guilt. What blood guilt does Sweden have, or the Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, US, Canada, etc?

What joins all these countries isn’t blood guilt — it’s that they descend from a common Northwestern European stock and are in the end stages of a successful capitalist strategy that’s brought material wealth and easy living to their citizens. National, religious, and ethnic identities have broken as people now identify more with their careers / class and generally see themselves as actors on a global stage. Meanwhile there is zero thinking around HBD type issues and Blank Slate-ism prevails. So now barring 3rd world citizens from your country seems wrong, while letting them in seems like the moral, Christian thing to do. ‘They’re just like us and deserve a shot at a good life too, no?’

Germany is leading the most recent rally because Germany: they lead everything in the EU, and generally Germans have extreme dispositions which steer them to the logical endpoints of whatever path or policy they are currently taking.

* The bourgeois of the civilized world tend to even subconsciously obscure blood connections so the frame of reference is not so much heredity but historical/cosmic processes. So #1 and #2 from a bourgeois white pov is seen through those filters in this way:

1. Atonement — Trains in Germany once transported Jews to death camps; now the trains bring refugees from war zones to Germany for refugee. That’s cosmic justice and taking in a million refugees is restoration of the moral universe.
2. It can never happen again — The historical roots of the disasters that befell Europe in the aftermath of WWI and WWII are the dual evils of nationalism and racism. Therefore to prevent the causes of those disasters is a counter reaction against root causes. If WWII happened because racist ideology held the superior Nordic race deserved to rule the world, conquer Eastern Europe, and multiple, then the appropriate counter reaction is extinguishing Nordicism: non-whites must be brought into Nordic lands and race mixing should be encouraged so that the Nordic race disappears and the conquering impulse relinquished.

So there is still heredity at play in this way of thinking but it’s not the main structure of elite ideological thinking.

* If the Nazis never happened, then there would not be the reflex adverse reaction to anything that is not an extreme rejection of all things Nazi. So today it would be ok for European countries to want to keep their own individual ethnicities. It would be ok to not want a flood of third world refugees whose culture is incompatible with Europe. It would be considered crazy to allow masses of lowly educated people with a backward culture to immigrate.

But not all the blame should be placed on the Nazis. Part of the blame goes on the victorious allies for being overly sanctimonious and actually believing themselves when they declared that they “saved” western civilization. Ever since then they have been actively destroying western civilization in a much more permanent way and in a way that the Nazis could have never imagined.

* If Germany must be punished, then Mongolia should be incinerated. And then Sub-Saharan Africa, for slavery. Then all the Muslims, for their barbaric practice of castrating their slaves.

* Editor of major newspaper says he planted stories for CIA
By Ralph Lopez Jan 26, 2015 in World
Becoming the first credentialed, well-known media insider to step forward and state publicly that he was secretly a “propagandist,” an editor of a major German daily has claimed that he personally planted stories for the CIA.

* I think a problem is people see how angry and vulgar people can be about this issue, partly because respectable people can’t talk about these things. We all want to be nice and respectable but what we know about the world makes that hard, try as we might we can’t go along with our new religion. So some cope by finding ways to separate themselves from ‘those people’, talking about ‘culture’ and assimilation and others cope by adopting this weird anti-Islam = pro-Israel stance. But just because unpleasant people hate Jews doesn’t mean that there isn’t a serious cohort of Jews in America who are zionists who do affect US policy in the Middle East. Thus we get ‘lol you guys always blame the joos’. The last 15 to 20 years has seen the Neo-cons very effectively co-opt the US State Department, Victoria Nuland being an almost parody of a neo-con.

1. Yes, Norway, Ireland and Sweden’s immigration policy and multiculturalism was entirely developed indigenously has been in no way influenced by the US. I think Americans underestimate how influential it is, American media and elite opinion matters in Sweden, at least to the Swedish elite. The United States was the most powerful country in the world and decided that anti-racism was the great You do not need an alienated ethnic elite in your country to feed you ‘anti-racism’ in TV, film and other media. The internet has driven this up to 11, being dominated by American. You think these ideas spontaneously took root? Modern Academic Sociology, the priesthood of this new religion is an almost entirely American field.

2. I can’t speak to why anyone was ever foolish or naive enough to think this is what thought helping Iraq looks like.

I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people who were pro war were all fully onboard with killing arabs, for different motivations perhaps, but invading a country after a heavy bombing campaign is rarely done out of concern for it’s inhabitants.

Once again, the people who start and propose these wars don’t believe any of that. They might convince others to believe it, but those people don’t start the wars, they’re just useful idiots.

3. Declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would do nothing. The Israeli government was ethnically cleansing it at apparently just the right rate not to ever bring serious pressure to bare and would do so afterward. It is a bizzarre decision because East Jerusalem was always supposed to be the capital of the Palestinian state. Recognising the entire city as the capital of Israel would end the ability of the US to even broker the (Admittedly farcical) two state solution talks. One of my favourite clips is the clear rigging of the vote at the DNC convention on changing the policy of the Democratic party on this issue. Whom was Villaraigosa afraid of? There were about equal numbers for and against…

The Neo-Cons exist and make explicit their ideology. Hell, even Wolf Blitzer was once the head PR man for the Israel military in DC. Why did Clinton, Saunders and Trump (Even missing a debate) all go to the AIPAC conference, you know that annual event that average Americans care so much about?

If there is no powerful Israel lobby why are American politicians so terrified of it?

* Nazis are seen as the inheritors of many ideas that were robust in Western countries leading up to WWII. Racial science and nationalism. So the reaction now is against Nazism but also a repudiation of many of the dominant ideas of the early 20th century.

* “European countries who are doing the same, or worse, and you find no correlation whatsoever between pro-immigration policies and Jewish power/support for Israel.”

Except that we know Blair followed Bush into war with Iraq, against the wishes of the people. There is quite a large groundswell of opinion that Blair should stand trial for war crimes. And the ME massacre started with Iraq.

Except also that the voices in the media who advocate immigration are very often Jewish and so are those that support Israel. Maureen Lipman for instance overstepped the mark with her pro-Israel stance. Nowadays we even have an infiltration of Americans telling Brits what to think and how to vote.

Except also that the media never mentions Israel – a country that borders the region of civil war, does that not strike you as strange? And the public mention Israel very rarely but when they do, the big AS label is immediately brought out by a plethora of Jewish people complaining. And don’t forget Europeans can get a criminal record for being deemed AS. That’s a huge disincentive to open debate.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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