Monthly Archives: April 2016

Obama Administration Sticks It To Whitey

Robert Weissberg writes: Is the Obama administration, or at least some officials in it, hostile toward whites? This is certainly an awkward, publicly unspeakable question–and answering it is exceptionally difficult. Not easy to discern the motives of countless Washington bureaucrats. … Continue reading

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German Police Raid Apartments Over ‘Right-Wing’ Social Media Posts

From Breitbart: Police in Berlin have raided ten apartments because residents may have posted “anti-migrant” views online. Berlin Police completed a large scale raid on internet users Wednesday. The officers ransacked ten separate apartments in the German capital in the … Continue reading

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The Black Quota At Yale Law School

20080522_197001904theblackquotaatyalelawschoolmacklinfleming From 1969: This exchange of private letters between Macklin Fleming, Justice of the Court of Appeal, State of California at Los Angeles, and Louis Pollak, Dean of the Yale Law School, seems to us to raise important issues affecting … Continue reading

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Francis Fukuyama and Charles Krauthammer

From Steve Sailer in 2005: Fukuyama Responds to Krauthammer: The Israelization of American Foreign Policy. You may recall that prominent neocon Francis “End of History” Fukuyama jumped ship awhile ago and criticized Charles Krauthammer in The National Interest for his … Continue reading

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Voice Of Hope Suspected Of Murdering Girl

Washington Post: Police arrest 17-year-old in slaying of first-year University of Texas student Police have arrested a 17-year-old suspect in the slaying of a University of Texas dance student, law enforcement officials said Friday. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said … Continue reading

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