Monthly Archives: April 2016

White-Asian Couples Decreasing

Comment: White-Asian intermarriage in The U.S is vastly decreasing. Leftists plans for more racial miscegenation through mass immigration and open borders has backfired. It has actually resulted in less racial miscegenation. The more Asians are imported into The U.S, the … Continue reading

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Whither The South?

Comments: * Because of slavery’s demographics, since reconstruction and the 15th amendment, whites in the South live in a politically precarious position. If they want to conserve their race, culture–basically any hold on civilization–they must be politically organized enough to … Continue reading

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Who Is The Alt Right?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Cathy Young’s hatchet job can be compared to the one in Commentary magazine; they are both reactions to an article that sought a fair appraisal of the alt.right on If you actually only read … Continue reading

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WP: The new Gilded Age: Close to half of all super-PAC money comes from 50 donors

Yeah, but how many are Jewish? The article does not say. How many are Muslim? Comment: “I count at least 23 of the 50 as Jewish. Those are just the ones that I could confirm quickly from the first page … Continue reading

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David Klinghoffer in 2012: With Concerns about Darwinist Racialism in Mind, National Review Cleans House

David Klinghoffer wrote April 18, 2012: As you may know, National Review editor Rich Lowry recently had to perform the unpleasant task of cutting the magazine’s ties with two contributors. This happened in the span of just a few days … Continue reading

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