Whither The South?


* Because of slavery’s demographics, since reconstruction and the 15th amendment, whites in the South live in a politically precarious position. If they want to conserve their race, culture–basically any hold on civilization–they must be politically organized enough to block black rule. First they did this with Jim Crow era vote suppression and “the Solid South”. After the Voting Rights Act they simply *had* to vote overwhelmingly for Republicans to save their civilization.

Here in the PNW, it’s quite noticeable in my Scout troop that the Obama voting, now Sander’s voting whites, tend to be from the most “estatey” fringes of Redmond–lawyers and software rich–living in lily white, often gated, communities, as far from NAM diversity as possible and free to vote according to their PC-religion.

Similar white rich folk in the Atlanta or Birmingham or Charlotte or Memphis suburbs simply can’t be so silly. The barbarians are already at the gates, if they want to conserve their society for their kids they can’t afford such fantasies. This desire of educated whites to conserve their civilization, means that this tranche of Sanders voters in the South just isn’t very big–not big enough to win.

* We simply need *separate* societies.

That’s actually the message of Ferguson. At root, it was an assertion that black thugs shouldn’t be stopped by white cops. (It’s “oppressive”.) Of course, the ultimate logic of that is that blacks and whites need separate communities.

Likewise, we–normals–need a society separate from the liberals, the “global cosmopolitans”–Soros, Zuck, Aldeson, etc. and their European counterparts.

I’m not greedy, i don’t begrudge them some real estate, for their PC-multiculti-universalist utopian fantasy. Let’s split and let them have a nation of their own which they can fill as they like with Muslims and Africans while defending the critical rights of boys who “feel like a girl inside” to use the girls bathroom. Have at it, loons!

But what these bastards actually want to do is enslave normal white hetero gentiles, make us work for them and tear down our societies–that took our ancestors, centuries to build into the most free and prosperous and civilized places on earth. And that desire is the most grotesque evil ever and must be stopped.

Separation. That’s the ticket.

* I’m surprised Bernie has gotten as far as he has.

It’s like watching my freshman-year political science professor run for president.

(That guy turned us all into communists — until we grew up.)

Bernie fits the stereotype perfectly: an old, Jewish hippie living in Burlington, Vermont.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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