Monthly Archives: April 2016

What Can We Learn About Diversity From The Mess In Houston

From the Chateau: File this latest salvo in the Diversity + Proximity = War reference list: a lovefact-filled article about the intersection of natural disasters with minority rule. For the second time in a year, Houston — the fourth largest … Continue reading

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Prince, RIP

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I have to admit it was embarrassingly recently that I found out Prince was black (and I think I only found that out from one of those lists commemorating prominent African Americans that casts as … Continue reading

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Our American Cultural Revolution: The Murray N. Rothbard Address at Auburn

Paul Gottfried: As the person who has been asked to deliver this year’s Murray N. Rothbard address, it seems appropriate to relate my remarks to the person being honored. Although the observations that follow may not have come directly from … Continue reading

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Addiction Reflects Emotional Dependency

By Dr. Rosemary Brown with Laura MacKay: It is emotional dependency, the cause—not such symptoms as alcoholism or overeating or workaholism—that I have been treating in private practice and as a sponsor, with good results, for three decades. My method … Continue reading

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As long as I have known me, I am either depressed or excited about some new way I’ve found of hacking life.

Kiki Baxter writes for The Fix: How to Live Your Vision and Not Drown in Debt How are you with your money? How is your earning? Do you love what you do? Are you living your vision? I started going … Continue reading

Posted in Addiction | Comments Off on As long as I have known me, I am either depressed or excited about some new way I’ve found of hacking life.