Monthly Archives: April 2016

2016 Top Democratic Donors Are Almost All Jewish

From Mondoweiss: The scene was a J Street panel Sunday night about the 2016 election at the Sixth and I Synagogue in Washington, and the dialogue began when Roger Cohen of the New York Times asked J.J. Goldberg of the … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: People with normal American names — except Deedee — don’t really get the concept of being generous toward politicians. In contrast, other cultures seem to find American politicians to be bargains.

Link: Names with high donation medians Below: Per name, the median of per-individual median amounts donated. Includes only names with at least 40 individuals. Excludes the candidates themselves. Name Median donation Akram $1000 Chaim $1000 Chana $1000 Dov $1000 Judah … Continue reading

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The Rise Of Trump Studies

Politico: There’s a measure of irony in that Trump’s candidacy—grounded in an anti-elite message and regular bashing of the political correctness “crap” rooted on college campuses—is such a boon to professors. Though Trump flaunts his academic bona fides—the degree from … Continue reading

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How To Find The Right Rehab

Here is one of the questions on paperwork hospital routinely hand out to those seeking recovery from addiction: * Does the treatment program also address sexual orientation and physical disabilities as well as provide age, gender and culturally appropriate services?

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Ben Southwood: How far a child is allowed to walk on their own, then vs. now

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