Steve Sailer: People with normal American names — except Deedee — don’t really get the concept of being generous toward politicians. In contrast, other cultures seem to find American politicians to be bargains.

Link: Names with high donation medians
Below: Per name, the median of per-individual median amounts donated. Includes only names with at least 40 individuals. Excludes the candidates themselves.
Name Median donation
Akram $1000
Chaim $1000
Chana $1000
Dov $1000
Judah $1000
Mayer $1000
Mendel $1000
Mordechai $1000
Moshe $1000
Murat $1000
Navin $1000
Rivka $1000
Shlomo $1000
Vishal $1000
Yehuda $1000
Javad $950
Ling $875
Meir $875
San $875
Zvi $850
Deedee $825
Jian $750
Kyung $750
Mehmet $750


* I think there is a more pragmatic explanation than bribery.

$1000 isn’t going to get you much more than a picture with a presidential candidate after all. But for entrepreneurial immigrant strivers in the US, that’s just fine as it can be marketed to the bumpkins back home as quite an accomplishment. Just think of the bragging rights mom and the mother-in-law would have!

This snapshot of a local immigration attorney’s webpage demonstrates the point.

The site had remarkably amateur web design and was prole as all hell, but I’m sure these pictures worked just as intended.

* There is no greater honor in America than to be a victim of white racism. That’s why there are so many made up incidents. You counterfeit things that are valuable.

Adopting a black child is a loophole to the rule:

But, we knew, especially in the South, that a white couple with non-white children would draw a myriad of different reactions. There will always be the older white woman in Walmart who stared at us with sheer disgust, or the African-American mother who looked at us and just shook her head

Of course they did knew. I can only hope their racial victimization was as wonderful as they were hoping, planning, and expecting.

There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning. There is also something wonderful in the relationship that is built as my wife asks a black friend on Facebook how to care for our little biracial daughter’s hair.

Some of your African-American friends? You have multiple? There is no way a white person can ascend any higher.

* The desire to be cool by being a white with a black baby was parodied by Absolutely Fabulous in 2004.

* My God.

This is a beautiful example of the truth in the kind of work people like Steve do. Could there be a data set that proves our gut feelings and stereotypes any more than this one?

These are the things you see when you take the red pill.

* These are not ordinary American Jewish names but names associated either with being ultra-Orthodox or being Israeli or both. Non-Orthodox American Jews (the great majority) give their kids typical white suburban names – Isabella, Madison, Alexander, Michael, etc.

* “Kate has been associated with feminist women since Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew.”

* That’s odd, since Taming of the Shrew is one of the most anti-feminist works in our common culture. Is this a case of feminists not getting the joke? I’m guessing the logic is as such: Shakespeare is good, and feminism is good, ergo Shakespeare is feminist.


About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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