Daily Archives: March 31, 2016

Black Countries, Counties, Cities Can’t Maintain Infrastructure

Comments: In DC, management of Metro, DC’s subway system, is considering shutting down sections of the system or even the entire system for 6 months to conduct maintenance. The fact that a major system is facing such monumental maintenance issues … Continue reading

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The New York Times Pushed For The Invasion Of Iraq In 2003

FAIR in 2006: In a New York Times article (9/5/06) on George W. Bush’s September 5 speech concerning terrorism and Iraq, reporters David Sanger and John O’Neil included a striking revision of Bush’s reasoning for going to war: The possibility … Continue reading

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New Yorker Editor David Remnick Pushed For The Iraq Invasion In 2003

Remnick wrote in February of 2003: The United States has been wrong, politically and morally, about Iraq more than once in the past; Washington has supported Saddam against Iran and overlooked some of his bloodiest adventures. The price of being … Continue reading

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TV Anchor Fired For Telling The Truth

From Yahoo: Pittsburgh news anchor Wendy Bell was fired Wednesday from ABC affiliate WTAE after outcry over a recent Facebook post in which she used racially stereotypical language in talking about “young black men.” Bell had been associated with WTAE … Continue reading

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Conservatives Vs Alt-Right

Comments at Breitbart: * How to become an “establishment” Republican in twelve easy steps: 1. Go to Washington with good intentions. 2. Instead of working for your constituents, start looking for easy corporate money. 3. Accept generous contributions from the … Continue reading

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