Daily Archives: March 23, 2016

AIPAC’s Weird Apology For Donald Trump

The AIPAC president was fighting back tears! What a wimp. David Weigel writes for the Washington Post: This morning, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu experienced something that American politicians have become all too familiar with — being overshadowed by Donald … Continue reading

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Forward: Trump Appoints Aide With Anti-Semitic Ties

The bigger story is that Trump’s foreign policy team is all goyim. The Forward makes quite a reach in this article to smear Donald Trump: Trump Appoints Aide With Anti-Semitic Ties On Monday, Donald Trump appointed a top foreign policy … Continue reading

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UC Regents need a history lesson

David Myers is a UCLA professor of Jewish studies who is way on the left, but I usually find myself agreeing with most everything he publishes in the Jewish Journal, including his latest: One can only hope that the Regents, … Continue reading

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Terror In Brussels

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think their goal is the age old islamic goal of conquering all of Europe. That is the prize of prizes. They’ve had pretty good success. They held onto parts of Iberia for 700 years. … Continue reading

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Conservative Pundit: The challenge of Muslim extremism is real, but we can meet it with humanity, courage, and an omnipresent totalitarian surveillance state.

Conservative Pundit tweets: * Donald Trump should AT LEAST have the decency to insult someone’s wife through a plausibly deniable proxy and not just say it outright! * There is strong evidence to suggest that many of Trump’s most engaged … Continue reading

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