Daily Archives: March 13, 2016

The Best Of Ramzpaul

From his Twitter: * My dream is that my people can one day have a homeland as the Jews have Israel. * The biggest “anti-racists” such as Tim Wise and Michael Moore always live in gated White communities. They personally … Continue reading

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Mark Zuckerberg, Tech Leaders Urge Supreme Court to Open U.S. Labor Market To Illegals

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are key members of the treason lobby. They want to replace American workers with foreigners. From Breitbart: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and a coalition of tech and business leaders are joining the administration’s call for the … Continue reading

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Twitter Has No Problem With #KillDonald Hashtag

I wonder how many Twitter users who employ the #KillDonald hashtag are banned? Twitter will do what it can to shut down the right and to promote the left. I get it. I wonder what the blowback will be for … Continue reading

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‘What it actually feels like to be targeted by Donald Trump’s neo-Nazi fan club’

Short version: Matthew Rozsa hurls slurs at others and then is unpleasantly surprised when slurs are hurled back at him. This Jew cries when he hits you. If you don’t want to be slurred, don’t hurl slurs at others. Matthew … Continue reading

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Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

Joel Geiderman is the California Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the former Vice Chairman of the United States Holocaust Museum, appointed by George W. Bush. He writes in the Jewish Journal: As a Jew and the son of … Continue reading

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