Monthly Archives: March 2016

The Victimhood Addiction

Somebody, through carelessness, let me down in a minor way last week and I immediately got a high from the feeling of victimhood, that people will always screw me over, poor ol me, people just trample all over me… It’s … Continue reading

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Kevin Roderick: How female TV journalists protect their safety after Erin Andrews

The world is often an unsafe place for women, particularly when they are around groups that commit a disproportionate amount of crime (such as young black men, et al). The world is often an unsafe place for men as well … Continue reading

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The Unbearable Whiteness Of Bernie Sanders’ Support

Steve Sailer posts Sunday: Bernie Sanders won another state today, his 8th in 19 contests. Of course, Maine is the only state that is, arguably, whiter than Bernie’s own electoral fortress of whititude, Vermont. Across the first 19 states to … Continue reading

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Jewish Establishment Increasingly Unhinged By Donald Trump

I don’t think the primary reason is because they fear for Israel or for Jewish safety. I think their primary fear is a loss of power and prestige under President Trump. This is largely about ego and status. Much of … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Depressed Turnout

Steve Sailer writes about Super Tuesday: Hillary had a good day piling up delegates, but she didn’t generate much excitement among Democrats in the states where she cruised to victory by getting her core loyalists to dutifully turn out. The … Continue reading

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