Hillary’s Depressed Turnout

Steve Sailer writes about Super Tuesday: Hillary had a good day piling up delegates, but she didn’t generate much excitement among Democrats in the states where she cruised to victory by getting her core loyalists to dutifully turn out.

The early word is that Hill and Bill, realizing they don’t have much to say for themselves, are planning to run a negative, ugly campaign against Donald Trump, with lots of charges of sexism and racism.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* 20% of backs have above average IQ’s and they have been pummeled by the loss of manufacturing jobs at least as badly as whites. At the moment, they all vote Democrat, but could enough of them go over to Trump to swing the election?

In Britain, blacks are recent arrivals and will never vote anything other than Labour. US blacks are, like it or not, old stock Americans.

In NZ, Polynesians will always vote Labour, because they think Labour gives them more free stuff, but the decline of manufacturing has knocked Maoridom for six.

In reality National (the NZ equivalent of the GOP) has been at least as willing to throw money at them as they are tangata whenua (people of the land).

If an indigenous Brit called himself indigenous, unemployment would be instantaneous.

* True, that Hillary doesn’t excite much of anyone on the democrat side, but Trump does inflame many of all political persuasions. Thus, while D turnout in the primaries is low, that doesn’t translate to a low General Election turnout for the democrat nominee. Hate/fear incites action as much as love, maybe more, I maintain.

Assuming Trump survives the coming GOPe onslaught and evil convention and post-convention machinations, etc,. his ability to win the General against Hillary will rest with his ability to sound like the logical, smart guy he actually is behind the scenes. That might not move a fair number of dems to go to the polls and vote for him, but it WILL make them stay home.

* #1 — Cheap Labor
The Democrat and establishment Republican line is that our labor market should be open to the world–that you deserve nothing as an American. Do you really want to be competing for your job with anyone who shows up at the border, from millions of Indians and Chinese. What sort of lifestyle does Hillary have in mind for you working at Indian or Chinese wages? No matter what color you are … this is a shitty deal.

#2 — Why we can’t have nice things — Diversity Creates Conflict
Trump needs to nail precisely the ideas behind Steve’s “why we can’t have nice things”. The Sanders SWPLs want to live in (70s era) Scandinavia … but you can only do that when you have a coherent, competent, high-achieving, high-trust society. We don’t have that now–never did to the same level as Scandinavia–and Hillary’s diversity program makes it worse and worse and worse.

Diversity creates conflict. Tiny diversity may add spice–ethnic restaurants! But big scale diversity means differences–in behavior, in achievement, in success–and creates friction and conflict.
The examples write themselves:
– diversity and conflict around the world
– BLM — increased crime; black men need to obey the same rules as white men; there isn’t some sort of “you get to assault a cop” rule for black thugs; if they don’t want to, then separate communities–same community and different standards creates conflict
– muslims
“blood borders of Islam”–everywhere they are mixed with anyone else –> conflict and violence
America has a particular culture–sort of Anglo\Christian. Muslims never had any presence here and that’s been to America’s great *benefit* … why import divisiveness and conflict; to me as a businessman that’s just insanity, you don’t set out to make your problems worse

#3 Gender gap — Male bashing and “marriage vs. spinsterhood”
To win Trump will need to at least somewhat neutralize Hillary’s “girl power” nonsense.

First off, take a strong stand against the Democrat’s male bashing. Strong, productive men actually hold this joint together.
A good line for Trump, is he has plenty of women in the Trump organization, doing business stuff, but his buldings are put up by guys–steel, concrete, piping, heating, AC, plumbing, hanging drywall, etc. etc. Out in the world: drilling for oil, designing engines, airplances, running power plants keeping your lights on, refineries gas for your car, fixing your car, building houses, installing your furnance and keeping natural gas in the pipe to keep it going. Hillary’s spent her life doing absolutely nothing productive so she probably doesn’t realize it–doesn’t *want* to realize it and thinks it all “just happens”. It doesn’t. It’s guys out there making our modern American lifestyle possible.

Secondly take on *real* gap–single vs. married.
Say explicitly there’s less a “gender gap” than a married gap. Democrats do well with single women who don’t have husbands and want the government to take care of them–by collecting money from all the guys out there that haven’t married them. Married women are much more Republican they look at their husbands paycheck and think “that’s mine”–that’s for *our* family, our children. They don’t want to hand it over to Hillary to spend.

Trump should face the camera “I want to speak to young women out there who think Hillary’s laundry list of things she’ll do for you sounds good. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Men and women work for it. No one is entitled to be supported by someone else’s labor, someone else’s savings. Hillary promises to go out and loot men to give you stuff. I suggest that if you want some guy’s money–you marry him. That’s a fair deal. Find a good man with prospects, marry him, build a family together taking care of yourselves. And that will be easier to do when i’m president and America isn’t flooded with cheap foreign labor. But that’s really your choice. If you want a government supported spinsterhood–vote for Hillary. If you want to have a husband, children, a *family*, then vote for me.”

If Trump wants to win, he’s going to have to tackle these iSteve themes *head on*. Telling me Hillary is ugly or a bitch …useless. Every guy with two in the sack knows she’s the screechy “progressive” version of the controlling tell-everyone-what-to-do church lady from hell. Trump needs to say what needs to be said. Say it clearly and ram it home again and again and again.

* Trump has already signaled what he will do against “sexism” etc. Highlight Bill Clinton’s rape charges and compare him directly to Bill Cosby. Hillary had said that line for a while, Trump brought up her Husband’s actions, and she shut up. I’m sure she will go at it again, but Trump is not Romney — the weak loser who wants to lose and roll over and show his tummy.

Trump has ample ammo — Bill Clinton and credible rape charges, that Hillary and Bill were happy to take his money before, Hillary’s email server, the Clinton Foundation corruption machine, etc.

I would have expected that Obama would have quashed the email investigation long ago, my guess is that he will have Hillary! indicted right before the convention, and Sanders figures this too so he’s staying hoping to make a deal with Kingmaker Obama. My second guess is that Obama already has someone in mind and its not an aging Jewish guy who gets on his nerves for existing — but someone Black and easily controlled.

Re Trump, Christie is not a dummy, he’s already on board, and I expect a fight between those elected Republicans who are not part of the Washington axis — and the Romney types. Trump has shown ambition can be served not by foam party antics and donor pandering but by base satisfaction, and there is a whole slew of elected Republicans who would like to advance just by the means Trump has. My guess is that a rump of Republicans form a new party, but end up taking enough Bernie Bros unhappy with say Al Sharpton or Kamala Harris or Spike Lee as the nominee.

Dems really are the Black Party, Republicans are now the White party, and White women are the only wild cards. White women have big issues with White men — they don’t need or want beta male provision and beta male placating and such enrage them. Moreover White women are allied with Blacks in all sorts of ways — principally to jettison White men save the Alphas and take over spoils in AA raiding parties. Europe’s immavasion suggests we are near the end of that free ride however. A society cannot run on White female disgust at the lack of sexy dominance of beta White males. Which is what Hillary’s entire career really has been, if you think about it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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