Monthly Archives: March 2016

Why Does The Mormon Church Support Open Borders?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Mormons are fools who want the border open so they can “save” their souls.” Bingo! Not just “save their souls” but get access to their wallets. For years, the Mormon Church has been billing itself … Continue reading

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The Revolt Of The Comedians

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Tina Fey is one of the few female comedians that don’t make me sick. Of course she must have conservative instincts. Does every female comedian have to have a borderline pornographic name for their show? … Continue reading

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Cat Ladies And Childlessness: A Love(less) Connection

From the Chateau: Stamping the imprimatur of SCIENCE! on what we already knew, this study found that cats and childlessness go together like a horse and carriage. Quantifying the Search Behaviour of Different Demographics Using Google Correlate. Vast records of … Continue reading

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We’re On The Precipice

Comments to Steve Sailer: * …Then there are people like myself who believe that we’re battling for our national survival on the edge of a precipice. We can’t afford to give ground. We can’t pretend if we lose this election, … Continue reading

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Play about a French Muslim president hits nerve in Germany

09 Mar 2016 Stage adaptations of French author Michel Houellebecq’s novel “Submission”, in which a Muslim president takes power in 2022 France, have been a hit in Germany where a huge Mideast refugee influx has stoked fears of the impact … Continue reading

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