We’re On The Precipice

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* …Then there are people like myself who believe that we’re battling for our national survival on the edge of a precipice. We can’t afford to give ground. We can’t pretend if we lose this election, maybe the voters will see things our way next time… No more General McClellans, waiting for “ideal conditions” to take on the enemy. We need someone to attack, someone who has already burned his bridges behind him… We can’t afford to wait any longer for another courteous, well-informed, articulate candidate. We’ll settle for the brash, rude, egotistical vulgarian. He has shown he’s willing to fight and at this point that’s all that counts.

* I listened to an excellent C-SPAN segment on the Presidential election and trade policy, specifically the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty. Guest Lori Wallach , Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch Director, explained the reasons for the establishment’s delight with the TPP. She followed with a scathing review of the Obama/Hillary/GOPe position.

Bernie was the hero of the day, sainted for his opposition to bad trade deals. Ms. Wallach offered a dismissive grunt at the mention of Trump’s name because, Trump. Still, a great segment. Public Citizen’s view of the treaty here.

* And does Cokie [Roberts] ever agonize over the abuse white kids endure at majority-minority schools? Of course not.

* Cokie wouldn’t know anything about that. Cokie attended a private all-girls Catholic school in Jim Crow New Orleans. In the 1980s her children attended Betheseda’s Walt Whitman High, one of the best public high schools in the state of Maryland. For years the school has been over 70 percent white, 15 percent Asian, 6 percent Hispanic, and 4 percent black. Only 1 or 2 percent of the kids are low-income.

* I doubt Trump would have the mandate to really be a dictator. He’d probably do a few high-profile immigration things to recover credibility and spend the rest of the time trying to nail hot women around the world. I could see him trying to do one of each nationality or something.

* You do get the problem with deportation where they’ve grown up here and barely even speak Spanish.

* How is that any different from a kid who has grown up in Central America and can barely speak English, if at all, coming to the United States? Add to the fact that the kid is coming without his parents. It seems like it would be easier to go to a nation with your parents who speak the language than it would be to go to a nation without your parents especially if you don’t even speak the language.

If it is so harsh to take someone away from the only home they have ever known, and the only language they have ever spoken, then we should immediately end all immigration to the USA. Because immigration to the USA does exactly what they say is so horrific. It takes people away from the only countries and languages they have known and dumps them off into a strange, alien nation. The horror, the horror!

* Jesse Ventura got bored being governor after 2 years. Ah-nold stuck it out more, but did have a tendency to reverse course, like after his initiatives lost in 2005.

Huey Long was a dynamo for 2 years as governor of Louisiana, but then got switched to vendettas against his enemies mostly after that.

* Maybe it might be in the interests of worldwide Jewry for prominent Jews to come out and tell Germany they do not approve of importing Syrians to make up for the past. The Germans might wake up and realize this is not atonement for their grandfathers’ deeds. Additionally it will get Jews on the record publicly opposing this policy. Because when the nationalists in Germany fight back, I don’t think anyone wants them to blame the Jews for the current immivasion. It would be best now to disavow and let the world know this is all Merkel. And that Jews and Israel have nothing to do with it, and more importantly, reject it.

* I say we turn it into heart-warming footage.

All those illegals here being reunited with family back home.

I know BABEL is anti-gringo, but it was touching to see the Mexican woman back in Mexico hugging her son.

I mean what the hell was she doing in the US raising the kids of gringo while leaving her family behind?

I say reunite illegals with their families back home. Reunite them with their homeland.

Aren’t they patriotic? Don’t they love their own nation and own people?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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