Monthly Archives: March 2016

Why I can’t vote for Donald Trump

Joel Geiderman is the California Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the former Vice Chairman of the United States Holocaust Museum, appointed by George W. Bush. He writes in the Jewish Journal: As a Jew and the son of … Continue reading

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Who’s a hater? It depends on the who-whom. Who is hating on whom? When the Torah calls male homosexuality an abomination, that will sound like hatred to homosexuals and their supporters while for others it is just commonsense. When Americans … Continue reading

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The Campaign to Toxify Donald Trump Among Jews

Joel Pollak writes: Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he is not an antisemite. Yet there is a malicious campaign afoot to paint him as one. Tablet Magazine, for example, has launched a “Trump Watch” series, complete with … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘Trump went for the Muslims, and hate was unleashed on the Jews’

Notice that Sasha Abramsky’s underlying fear here is that gentiles will discover that they have group interests and they will desire the same sort of cohesion that Jews seek. In other words, he fears that gentiles will become more like … Continue reading

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ABC’s Sunny Hostin: Trump’s Stance on Border Security, Immigration Akin to Hitler’s Extermination of Jews

From Breitbart: Monday on ABC’s “The View,” network senior legal correspondent Sunny Hostin argued there no difference between Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tough tack on immigration and border security and Adolf Hitler’s extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany. … Continue reading

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