ABC’s Sunny Hostin: Trump’s Stance on Border Security, Immigration Akin to Hitler’s Extermination of Jews

From Breitbart: Monday on ABC’s “The View,” network senior legal correspondent Sunny Hostin argued there no difference between Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s tough tack on immigration and border security and Adolf Hitler’s extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Partial transcript as follows:

PAULA FARIS: I spoke with the campaign last week I covered him on Super Tuesday this of the big take away. He’s a attracting first time voters the crossover voters. And there’s a lot of Democrats that are voting for him, and I think you guys we have to be reflective of this country there are a lot of people that do support him to make a gross generalization that if you’re voting for him here racist, I don’t necessarily think that that’s fair as well.

SUNNY HOSTIN: That is a generalization I don’t think any of us are saying that every single Trump supporter is racist … but I don’t think we can deny the fact is there are a group of people that his message is resonating with, and that is a message of discrimination and bigotry and misogyny and it’s there.

JOY BEHAR: Demonizing the other. That’s what his message is.

JEDEDIAH BILA: When you’re talking about Hitler though. I mean, that is like equating Donald Trump to someone who wants to exterminate a whole race of people. Or a whole religion. He didn’t say anything like that.

HOSTIN: He wants to build a wall, he wants to send millions and millions of Latinos from this country. He wants to torture people, how is it different?

BILA: You can’t equate border security with the extermination of the Jewish people.

HOSTIN: How is it different? I just did.

BILA: You can’t though. You can’t.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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