Monthly Archives: March 2016

Orthodox Jews Set Sights on N.J. Town and Angry Residents Resist

Look! Not all Jews are pushy and dishonest in business. It is only a tiny number that give the rest of us a bad name. Oy vey! In most of these conflicts described in the story below, Jews tend to … Continue reading

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Conservatism Is Dead

From the Journal of American Greatness: I’m afraid we were too easy on Kevin Williamson. It’s not just his punditry that’s of low character. Kevin insists in baring his id to the world and it’s not pretty. He’s so inordinately … Continue reading

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Why Haven’t Other Republicans Taken Trump’s Issues?

From the Journal of American Greatness: Surely the most intelligent thing said so far about the Trump phenomenon was Anne Coulter’s pithy admonition that those who don’t like Trump should steal his issue, by which she meant immigration. We’d amend … Continue reading

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What Is Trumpism?

Comments at * Trumpism transcends both the two parties and the two “accepted ” ideologies. It is rooted in “blood and soil, kith and kin.” It is nativism, populism, and a welling up of a desperate sense that all … Continue reading

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Renew Atlanta

Comments to Steve Sailer: * His mother is a functionary in Kasim Reed’s administration in Atlanta. I’d have to guess that denunciations of white supremacy were commonplace in Tommy’s childhood home if for no other reason than practice makes perfect. … Continue reading

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