What Is Trumpism?

Comments at Unz.com:

* Trumpism transcends both the two parties and the two “accepted ” ideologies. It is rooted in “blood and soil, kith and kin.” It is nativism, populism, and a welling up of a desperate sense that all might be lost – that the American experience was all for nothing. It is now or never, and if the latter, then devolution will proceed apace, and most likely not without violence.

So Trumpism might best be termed AFFIRMATIONISM. We affirm ourselves, family, friends and associates, religion, culture, civilization, ethnicity, country, and even species. But this does not mean that we wish harm to others. For to value one’s family does mean that one wishes harm to the family next door, just that we value our own higher. But any people that does not AFFIRM, is deleted from the world cultural and group genome pool.

* Let me suggest some properties [of fascism]: nation, people (volk), military readiness, manly virtues, honor, mixture of aristocratic and democratic principles, racialism, and anti-liberalism. And lasts but not least the precipitating political factors for their appearance, for example, communism and jewish influence in communism.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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