Monthly Archives: March 2016

Israeli Hotline Attacks Mixed Marriages

Daily Mail: Racist extremists who set up a ‘hotline’ to inform on Jews in a relationship with ‘Arabs’ and who targeted Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are openly peddling hate and violence – but the Israeli government won’t act. Lehava, a … Continue reading

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Terror In Brussels

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Talking heads this morning were already blathering about how Muslims in Europe feel ostracized. * “Belgium quickly raised its threat status to the maximum level” That would be to Threat Level Chartreuse, which requires increasing … Continue reading

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Trump on Brussels: Told you so

The more terror, the more likely America elects Trump. Politico: Shortly after news broke of the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Donald Trump was on television. He didn’t wait to consult with the foreign-policy advisors he announced a day earlier; instead … Continue reading

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Noal Pollak: This is unbelievable. @AIPAC is becoming a safe space.

What happens when you give a woman a man’s job. From Politico: AIPAC condemns Trump attack on Obama ‘We take great offense to those that are levied against the United States of America from our stage,’ AIPAC’s president says on … Continue reading

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Are Better Ethnic Restaurants A Strong Argument For Immigration?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This was never a serious argument for immigration. The reality is that most Americans are perfectly happy with meatloaf and potatoes every night, and only a small minority of foodies and wealthy people who can … Continue reading

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