Monthly Archives: March 2016

Jewish Converts Changed The Roman Catholic Attitude To Jews

You can understand why the Church had suspicion of conversos. Many Jewish converts to Christianity around the time of the Reformation pushed the humanist approach to religion. That approach is safer for Jews. Even when they convert to another religion, … Continue reading

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Chief Sephardi Rabbi Says non-Jews Forbidden From Living in the Land of Israel

This is basic Torah. You might argue the Torah is wrong, but what this rabbi is saying has been the Jewish position for millennia. Every group views itself as the center of the world. Haaretz: Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef argues that … Continue reading

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Benzi Gopstein, head of Lehava, calls to ban Christmas in the Holy Land: ‘Let us remove the vampires before they once again drink our blood.’

This guy doesn’t bother me any more than gentiles who call for their own countries to be free of Jews. The stronger you are in your particular identity, the more likely you are to be hostile to outsiders. That’s how … Continue reading

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Islamic Terror

We have a problem. Michael Scheur writes: For twenty years now I have been arguing the obvious: namely, that as early as 1997, the Islamist problem was too big and too lethal for any U.S. intelligence service or law-enforcement agency … Continue reading

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Shul Was Wonderful This Shabbos

Friend: “How often do you hear a Jew say ‘Shul was wonderful this shabbos.’?” Luke: Jews don’t talk like that though I often hear Jews say it is the highlight of their week. Friend: “Then what would a Jew say … Continue reading

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