Monthly Archives: March 2016

Guess The Candidate

From the Chateau: * Here are my guesses: Group 1: Kasich or Cruz They look pretty conventional, middle America, nice White lady vibe from the women, and cuck vibe from the men. Group 2: Trump Men aren’t smiling, have that … Continue reading

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The Female Sex Stare


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28yo Woman: I have as much sex as I like – and it’s great – but I want something more

Pamela Stephenson Connolly replies to an email: I am a 28-year-old single woman. I work in a professional job and play quite hard at weekends. However, one thing missing in my life is a partner. I think about sex most … Continue reading

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How Competent Is Hillary Clinton?

Comments: * This is criminal insanity. America’s (and Europe’s) foreign policy should consist of three words: leave well alone. Intervention in the Muslim world has been a disaster. Of course, saying it was a disaster implies that the consequences weren’t … Continue reading

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Marine Le Pen Visits Canada

BLOG: Marine Le Pen’s visit to Canada last weekend has been described by the gloating French press as a near-fiasco, a disaster. But who is responsible for the “fiasco”? Marine or the Canadians themselves who greeted her as if she … Continue reading

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